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Christian Parenting Center
Resources for Raising Your Kids Christianly
About the Founder

This ministry was founded by well-known Christian leader, Dr. Ron Rhodes.

Dr. Rhodes obtained both his Masters and Doctoral degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary.

He is presently on the adjunct faculty at Dallas Theological Seminary, Veritas Evangelical Seminary, and Biola University.

He has written over 50 books, printed in numerous languages around the world.

He speaks at numerous conferences throughout the United States and Canada.

He is happily married with two college-age children, both walking closely with the Lord. (Click here to see pictures.)

In the free e-course mentioned below, he communicates the same principles he used
in raising children who love the Lord and are well-grounded in the Christian faith.

Sign up here for a free email mini-course on Christian parenting tips (10 lessons), sponsored by the Christian Parenting Center.

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Teach Your Children Well — E-Book
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